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2022 Global Korea Scholarship for Graduate Degrees (GKS-G) Guidelines 정부초청 외국인 대학원생 장학생(GKS-G) 모집공고

In 2022, Korean Government’s Global Korea Scholarship program aims to invite international students who wish to purse a graduate level degree or research in Korea.

국립국제교육원에서 주관하는 2022년도 한국 정부초청 외국인 대학원 장학생 모집과 관련하여 미국 지역의 모집 관련 사항을 아래와 같이 알려드리오니, 관심있는 분들의 많은 지원을 바랍니다.

1. Program Objectives

Global Korea Scholarship is designed to provide international students with opportunities to study at higher educational institutions in Korea at graduate-level degrees, which will enhance international education exchange and deepen mutual friendship between Korea and participating countries. 2. Total Number of Grantees in the USA: 19 candidates (15 foreign nationals and 4 Overseas Korean adoptees) 3. Available Universities: 56 universities in Korea designated by NIIED 4. Available Degree Program: Doctoral Degree, Master's Degree, and Research Program 5. Eligibility​

  • Nationality: Applicants and their parents must hold non-Korean Citizenship.

  • Age: Applicants must be under 40 years old (born after Sep. 1st, 1982).

  • Degree Requirements: Applicants must hold or must be expecting to hold a Bachelor's or Master's degree by August 31, 2022.

  • Grades: An applicant must maintain the overall grade point of average (CGPA) equivalent to or higher than any ONE of the followings: 2.64 on a 4.0 scale, 2.80 on a 4.3 scale, 2.91 on a 4.5 scale, 3.23 on a 5.0 scale, or score percentile (80% or above).

  • Health: An applicant must be in a good health, both mentally and physically, to study in Korea for the full duration of degree.

  • Preferences

- An applicant who has attained certified scores in TOPIK for their proficiency in Korean may be given preference. - Descendents of the Korean War veterans will receive additional 5% of the total marks during the selection reviews. - Applicants who apply for the majors in the field of Natural Science and Engineering may be given preference.

6. Required Documents

7. Application Submission Deadline: March 4, 2022 (Friday), 5PM (EST)

All the required documents must be arrived by 5 PM (EST) on March 4th, 2022 to the Korean Education Center of New York (460 Park Ave FL 9, New York, NY 10022) and any applications which arrive later will be discarded.

8. Contacts: Korean Education Center of New York Email: Address: 460 Park Ave FL 9, New York, NY 10022


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